Looking to revitalize your live streams yet cannot come across actionable, original, and updated ideas? This list of 30 creative stream ideas might just be what you need to get your Twitch stream to the next level in no time.
Letting the viewers take control might be the next step to make when it comes to growing on the popular live streaming platform. The biggest Twitch streamers have one thing in common – excellent interaction with their community.
Even though they might not read every single message that shows in their chat, their likability is probably apparent from the first few seconds of watching their content.
However, replicating that might not be that simple. Repeatedly thinking about vague and untested Twitch stream ideas that will probably end up appearing dull to the viewers or not even putting the effort to engage with the chat can bring a channel to the ground in no time.
There is nothing to worry about, though! Our new list of Twitch ideas for streamers will significantly improve audience interaction as well as alleviate stress and allow the direction of focus to be more on the fun part – the creative process!
30 Twitch Stream Ideas
1. Teach your non-gamer friends how to play games
Most of us have a friend or relative that might not be in the loop when it comes to videogames. That can be a fantastic opportunity to have fun with that individual while you are teaching him something new and viewing his progress.
Who knows, Aunt Marie might be the next Fortnite champion, right?
2. Watch your old content
By simply reflecting on an older version of yourself, you might have just hit the jackpot. Streamer veterans might have one of the funniest content collections after years of gaffes and general funny moments that can get anyone to start chuckling!
Bringing yourself and your viewers to older content can bring everyone closer while reminding you what it was like back in the day.
3. Bring in the challenge
If you’re looking to make your gaming content stand out more, challenges might be a great idea to get more viewers to tune in to your stream.
By changing critical game settings and thus raising the bar, you can demonstrate your gaming abilities or… inabilities!
You don’t have to be a professional at what you’re playing, as long as you are engaging, making people laugh, and having a good time.
4. Learn a new language on Duolingo
From Chinese to Greek, there are quite a few common as well as unconventional options for you to pick from.
Just imagine the reactions of the native speakers of the language you’re trying to learn, bashing their keyboards and laughing via the chat.
5. Jump on StreetView
Take a virtual walk at a random place in the world. From the vanilla fields in Madagascar to the coldest village in Russia, Google maps has it all.
Hopefully you don’t end up clicking on a shark in the middle of the ocean and get a jump scare. After all, you cannot walk on water… or can you?
6. Time for a Q&A session
Maybe the best way to truly connect with your audience is a Q&A that allows your viewers to ask you things of their utmost interest, thus building a stronger connection with you.
7. Simply ask
Such a straightforward approach to receiving feedback from your viewers has become essential.
While some streamers prefer to phrase it under a specific context to make it less broad of a question, asking your viewers in a transparent manner what they would like to see from you or what they believe could be improved can be really uplifting to everyone that you are actively seeking ways to improve your content.
8. Write a song
You don’t have to be Paul McCartney or Charlie Puth to write music, after all, a funny inside-joke song with your community wouldn’t do any harm!
Many content creators have created funny tunes as a way to get closer with their community and have a good laugh in the process!
Now, grab your broken ukulele from the high-school days and start thinking of a melody – the charts and platinum certifications are waiting!
9. Share expertise and value
We all have some sort of experience in a topic that our friends and colleagues do not, and sharing that can be truly beneficial for the community.
Giving honest feedback and help can tremendously affect people in a positive way as well as bring them closer together in the community.
Without being cliché, a single word from your mouth could change someone’s life forever.
10. Take a stupid quiz
Answering dumb quizzes isn’t only fun by just hearing the thought, it has been done by virtually any streamer on the platform and it’s almost always a great thing to do for small streamers as well to gather some more traction than usual towards their channels.
11. Play the game you’ve always wanted to try out
It might be time for change and to get that game out of the to-play list. You are one stream away from being able to determine if this game is a complete flop both in gameplay and likability from yourself and your viewers or a big hit in many areas.
Many streamers have become successful from just streaming a random game that they normally had no intention of even playing. Why shouldn’t you be the next one?
12. The good old days
Discuss how it was like growing up as a child. Instead of writing an autobiography or getting too personal, you will definitely have a few memorable moments that are worthy of sharing with anyone interested to hear them.
If your storytelling isn’t already excellent, this might be an opportunity to start practicing it. Ultimately, we all have some stories that we are dying to share with others!
13. Personalize your Twitch alerts
You can come up with inside jokes with your community in order to make your Twitch alerts feel more welcoming and original to potential new supporters.
From the classic “thanks for following”, there is definitely space for improvement for everyone on the platform to make.
14. Make tier-lists

Image: twitch.tv/xqc
Want to pour constructive criticism or pure sarcasm on a list? Now might be a great time to do that!
From the list of the most famous Minecraft mods ranked from best to worst all the way to rating what Indian spices are the most flavorful, there are quite a few options for you to choose from.
Maybe bringing in something that you might have some prior experience on will help get some better content out, though!
15. Storytime
People love stories, and people also love the individuals that can bring them to life with words in an exciting manner. Storytelling is an excellent quality for all streamers to have, yet many of them don’t utilize their skills or simply don’t have it developed yet.
The earlier you start, the better it is, since it will be a tremendous benefit in daily life as well to hold more engaging conversations with others. A storytime every now and then on Twitch will be a fantastic addition to your channel, regardless of the subject – a well-described story is a good story, unless the context is about hairy waffles.
Maybe someone can make that interesting, who knows?
16. A sweet rick-roll
Say you’re going for a one-minute break to grab some water, instead of your traditional BRB screen, throw the video there, and boom! You got your community frustrated that they didn’t see that coming, yet at the same time yourself deemed as a cultured individual.
It might not make you famous overnight, but at least you’ll get people laughing. That’s for sure!
17. Follow a Bob Ross tutorial in Paint
Grab your mouse and meticulously follow his painting methodology and attempt to create a masterpiece alongside him.
Even if you truly create something beautiful, listing it as an NFT might not be the best idea out there.
18. Play a game you’ve missed
Is it Minecraft? Is it Roblox? Maybe it could be something much older or newer than these.
Regardless, though, it might be time to trigger the nostalgia and cherishing all these sweet memories you’ve built with this game over the years.
19. Touch some grass
Getting outside and doing an IRL stream could be a viable option if you’re constantly streaming from inside your apartment.
Grab your phone with some mobile data and storm off for a vlog-like adventure whilst being live on Twitch! Just make sure to watch out for cars not once, but seventeen times per road. Gotta be careful!
20. Collaborate

Image: twitch.tv/mizkif
You might keep putting this off or not having anybody to collaborate on a stream with, but now is the time to start connecting with like-minded individuals to help each other get to the next level and allow your audiences to explore each other, therefore increasing your viewership dramatically.
21. Catch up with chat, more
Does the chat move too quickly? Well, that’s a nice problem to have!
Devote some time to simply looking and addressing as many people as want to talk to you even for a few seconds, it would make them all have a great impression of you at the end of the day.
22. Jump on an old browser game
Do these still exist? Apparently they do, and that might be your chance to create some very entertaining content by taking a look at what these games have to offer.
It is also a fantastic chance to engage with your audience and ask them what games they used to play, allowing for people to relate with each other and building a better bold with everyone involved.
23. Design and publish your merchandise, live
The creative process of designing merchandise has never been simpler with print-on-demand services as well as many royalty free images you can combine with text to make an ultimate, stunning design for you to use.
Apart from having fun making everything, you can ask your chat for suggestions in what they would like as well and adjust accordingly! This way, you might also get some more customers at the end of the day!
24. Meme review
Reviewing memes is many people’s favorite part of variety streamers, as watching at people’s reactions is sometimes funnier than the meme that they are laughing at. KSI, we are looking at you!
25. Talk about your journey in the position you are in now
Are you a full-time streamer? How did this come to be? Regardless if this is the scenario or not, people love transparency. As long as you can provide them with some, they’ll love you more.
26. Book a freelancer to teach you the game you’re great at
Are you a Minecraft legend yet still want to troll someone that is supposedly teaching you how to play?
Your time to shine is here, since such content being broadcasted live could be absolutely hilarious.
27. Higer or lower game
This popular browser game allows people to estimate which of the two presented elements have more Google searches. Try this entertaining game and check what your high score will be like after a while!
28. Interview another streamer

Image: twitch.tv/pokimane
Jump right into the juice and talk with someone else in the space! Exchange feedback and value as well as make an entertaining and interactive stream for your audience or audiences!
This will allow you to broaden your horizons when it comes to actionable steps on growing on Twitch while also networking and having a bit of fun in the process.
29. Try a game you’ve always hated without trying
We have all felt that multiple times, yet most of us never succumb to them.
It might time to voluntarily jump in the depths of games you’ve thought were horrible and find out of that’s actually the case or you were completely wrong!
30. How you started streaming
Talk to your audience about how it came to be – the reasons you decided to start streaming even extremely occasionally.
Was it out of boredom, willing to build a strong platform or simply for the memes? There’s probably a great story behind the scenes, and many are keen on hearing all about it!
How Do I Make My Twitch Stream Fun?

Image: twitch.tv/qtcinderella
Apart from utilizing good content ideas, remember that it is also important to interact with your audience and simultaneously avoid staying still and passive for too long, it’s just like going to the bathroom in the middle of a date and not coming back.
By streaming things that you enjoy with the people that you enjoy being around, that will drastically help you find your energy and develop the ability to interact with your viewers in a better way.
Fun Twitch Stream Ideas
Here are a few extra ideas that are primarily towards maximizing the fun during your streams:
1. Play “Would You Rather” with chat
Hopefully they take it easy on you and don’t start saying things that would make you want to run away.
But the intentions matter, and as far as it seems, your community must be amazing to have someone care for them as much as you by reading such (informative, we know) articles!
2. Wander on The Useless Web

Image: The Useless Web
By going to this website, you’ll be greeted with the most useful websites on the entire world wide web; from watching corn dogs fly endlessly to numbers increasing and decreasing with no order or ability to intervene. Cool, right?
3. Talk about your biggest celebrity crush
You might let the chat guess, but chances are they will miserably fail, because we all know who it is! Or don’t we?
4. Butcher a photo sent by a viewer in Photoshop
You might not be a graphic designer, but butchering a photo would be easy regardless. Maybe make it like a cartoon, it is completely up to you!
5. 1v1 a troll viewer
Roasting a troll couldn’t be more satisfying, especially if you win. It’s truly enjoyable watching a troll fight the actual content creator that they are trolling over a video-game.
6. Tell a fake story, then reveal its fake later
Once upon a time, the end. Maybe something longer than that, but you have the great option of improvising the plot of a multi-million-dollar novel. Let’s see how it goes!
7. Take the 8 values test
Let the viewers see where you really rank on that thing! Many must be curious to see.
8. Jump on an odd subreddit
Read comments from people that you wouldn’t normally stumble across, yet still would see on Reddit every now and then. Now, what are these messages saying? One way to find out!
9. Give your opinion on drama
Recent drama? Grab your cup of tea and… spill it. Well, not literally, you get the point.
People love hearing stories from different perspectives, yet why not give your honest opinion regardless?
10. This week’s funny storytime
Talk about an interesting occurrence that happened within the past few days. Hopefully you didn’t meet a kangaroo representing a law firm, that might just be sleep deprivation.
What’s the Best Thing to Stream on Twitch?
It is critical to understand that we are all different, and that means we will all enjoy different things and take different approaches at everything.
The best thing is what you yourself truly enjoy streaming. Finding the balance and the fun is key; without looking forward to going live the things that come out of it won’t be positive in any way, shape or form.
Enjoy the process, experiment with different types of content, connect with new people and ultimately be the one that conquers the platform!
Now, we are beyond interested to hear what all of you have to say. Feel free to leave your own ideas and comments below and we will take a look to see what you have had the chance to say!