By now, you have probably heard of “Channel Points,” which were implemented by Twitch and made available to everyone somewhat recently.

Channel points are essentially a Twitch channel’s ‘currency,’ which viewers can earn simply by watching or lurking in a stream. Being a subscriber gives an additional multiplier so you can earn points faster – with higher multipliers for tier 2 and tier 3 subscribers, of course.

Twitch wanted this point system to replace currency and other loyalty systems available through chatbots and services like Nightbot and Streamelements.

Twitch channel points are a fantastic way to increase viewership and retain new audiences. This is because they give viewers something to look forward to – in the form of exciting redemptions they can earn. And now, with the addition of Twitch Predictions, viewers have another way to engage with your stream while making even more channel points they can use to purchase rewards.

As a streamer, you can create your own Twitch channel points rewards – or select some from default point presets already available on the platform. As long as your redemptions follow Twitch Terms of Service (as well as the specific rules Twitch has set), you’ll be just fine. It can be challenging to come up with Twitch channel point ideas on your own, so we put together this list to help you out.

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1. Chat Related Twitch Channel Points Ideas

A great way to get your viewers involved with your stream (and a way to entice them out of lurking) is to create some channel point rewards related to your chat. Chat related points redemptions are some of the easiest ideas to implement on your channel.

Become a VIP

One of the first redemptions that many might want to work towards is a VIP badge on your channel. Many streamers set up permanent VIP redemptions for 250,000 points, or even 500,000 points. You can offer cheaper redemptions if you wish, such as offering a VIP slot for a month for only 150,000 points.

Become a Mod

Similar to VIP redemptions, some streamers also set up mod redemptions. If you are comfortable with giving some of your most loyal viewers a green sword for a fair amount of points (say 750,000 for example), you can offer a mod slot.

Timeout or Ban a User for X amount of time

Some streamers can offer you the ability to time out or ban a user or mod for a short amount of time (usually ten minutes). If you want to give your viewers the ability to do this for some channel points, you can – it’s also a great way to let your viewers interact in your chat further. Just ensure that no bad blood ensues from the use of the redemption!

More Chat Redemption Ideas

  • Activate the emote only chat mode
  • Activate sub only chat mode
  • Unmod or UnVIP someone for x amount of time
  • Change or activate an emote (through FrankerFaceZ or BTTV, or even through the channel itself)
  • Custom command on chat

2. Streamer Specific Ideas

As a streamer, you can offer certain channel points rewards that relate to things that you can personally do. Some examples of these are below.

Costume Change

One thing you can offer is a ‘costume change’. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy – it can be as simple as putting on a hoodie, or changing your shirt to a specific color, or even wearing a headband. You can also offer to wear a costume mask for fifteen minutes.

Do a Pushup/Situp/Squat or Other Exercise

If you are trying to get fit and you need a little extra motivation, a good Twitch cannel point ideas is offering some exercise-related redemptions in your chat. You can do 1 pushup, situp, squat, or any other exercise for a certain amount of points. Alternatively, you can do sets of 3 or even 5 per channel points redemption. You may want to limit total redemptions per stream, however.

Truth or Dare

You can also do a truth or dare of sorts – one that is altered to be compliant to Twitch TOS and rules, of course. Make sure that you set clear guidelines for this channel point reward and you’re sure to offer viewers a fun way to engage with you.

More Fun Streamer Specific Channel Point Ideas

  • Do one dab
  • Mute your mic for x amount of time
  • Do a dance
  • ASMR for a short period of time
  • Give your pet a treat or cuddles
  • Beanboozled bean time
  • Get a compliment from you
  • Extend stream by x amount of time
  • Ban the use of one word for x amount of time
  • Posture check
  • Hydrate

3. Game Specific Ideas

Often, viewers would love to affect the way you play your game. You have absolute control over how much you’ll allow them to do, but here are some fun channel point reward ideas to help out.

Name Your Character

If you are starting up a new game to stream or even just a new save file with a new character, you can offer your viewers this redemption. Allowing your community to name your in game characters adds an extra layer of interaction. Just make sure the names are compliant with the game’s and Twitch’s terms of service.

Choose Your Character

In certain games, there are many characters that can be selected. Games like League of Legends, DotA 2, Rainbow Six Siege, Apex Legends, and more all allow the selection of specific characters. Let your viewers redeem points to choose who you play (narrow down the list of selections if you need to).

Select Cosmetics

If you have a healthy collection of in game cosmetics, you can offer redemptions to let your viewers choose what your characters wear. If you don’t own a certain cosmetic, sometimes your community may even gift them to you – but don’t count on this happening every time!

More Game Specific Point Redemptions

  • 1v1 in a specific game
  • Do an in game action
  • Drop or sell an item
  • Change your game
  • Waste an item
  • Waste a skill cooldown
  • Disable your sound for one match
  • Play your game with reversed headphones

4. Channel Specific Point Ideas

Of course, certain redemptions can also directly affect your stream. Don’t give all control to your viewers, and always make sure every reward is compliant with Twitch TOS.

Change Stream Title

The easiest way is to offer channel specific redemptions is to allow your viewers to choose your stream title. Give specific guidelines for your viewers to follow when redeeming.

Choose Who to Host/Raid

After you end your stream, you can let your viewers choose who to host or raid. This also offers you the added benefit of meeting new people and expanding your community!

Ad Time

With recent changes Twitch has implemented to mid-roll ad blocks, you might as well roll the ads yourself. Allowing your viewers to redeem 30, 60, or 90 second ad blocks allows them to spend their points while also supporting you.

More Channel Specific Point Ideas

  • End stream immediately
  • 6/12/24 hour stream
  • Change your stream background
  • Move your webcam around
  • Show/hide webcam
  • Sound effects

Tips for Implementing Channel Point Rewards

As you start setting up your Twitch channel for custom channel points rewards, you can do a few things that can help you make sure everything goes much more smoothly for you and your viewers.

1. Think up a name for your channel points. A good idea is to come up with something related to your stream name or mascot. It could also be related to your favorites – be it your favorite game, character, book, movie, story, object, or more.

You might even relate it to your pet(s). It doesn’t have to be unique since you can still put your spin on it one way or another. Ask your community to get involved with coming up with a name!

Some examples of names that other streamers have used in the past are:

    • Feathers
    • Potions
    • Bones
    • Dollaroos
    • “Your Channel Name” Bucks

2. Come up with an icon for your points. Channel points are found at the bottom of the chat box (both on the PC and mobile apps). You’re given a feature where you can set your channel point icon for them – take this as a way to help brand your stream further. The icon can be something simple, especially since it essentially represents your channel’s “currency.”

3. Set cooldowns for certain redemptions. Sometimes, viewers may redeem certain things one after the other, and this can cause an inconvenience (or even a problem).

For example, if you have a point redemption for Ad Time (running ad blocks), it might be wise to add a cooldown between redemptions. This way, you won’t end up running ad block after ad block, potentially driving your viewers away.

4. Remember to manage your channel point rewards after every stream. Mark everything that you have fulfilled as “complete”. If there were any redemptions you were unable to provide, click “reject” to refund your viewers’ points.

Final Thoughts

Coming up with good Twitch Channel Points Ideas is not difficult at all. With the help of this list, you’ll be able to start fleshing out your rewards in no time. Just always remember to stay within Twitch rules and guidelines to avoid getting in trouble, of course.

And finally, remember to change the redemption prices to reflect the amount of effort needed appropriately. Don’t price VIP/Chat moderator redemptions too low, for example. Hydration reminders and posture checks can be very cheap so that even your newest viewers can join in on the fun and cash in on some rewards.

Good luck with setting up your Twitch channel points and unlocking the full potential of your viewer engagement!

Comment below if you have any other cool points ideas 🙂

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5Head content for streamers looking to improve their channels.

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