There may come a time that you want to delete your Twitch account for one reason or another. After all, no matter how popular any platform can be, users can move on if they find themselves dissatisfied with the service.

You could be unhappy with Twitch and moving on to a different platform. Or, you could be trying to get your free time back to focus on personal projects.

You may also simply be done with streaming and just want to get off the platform forever. Whatever your reason may be, this guide will show you the steps for how to delete your Twitch account.

How to Disable Your Twitch Account

Before you can delete your Twitch account completely, you must first go through the process of disabling it. Thankfully, this entire process is easy and can be accomplished within minutes.

One thing you must know is if you aren’t yet ready to commit to fully deleting your account, disabling it is a good way to take it out of the public eye. Disabled accounts don’t show up in any pages or search results, and any direct visits will show a “page not found” result.

Prior to disabling your account, you can pretty much change or remove any personal information that you no longer want to be in Twitch’s databases. Doing this is a great way to get yourself off the platform whilst still allowing you to come back and reclaim your account later on if you change your mind.

Here are the steps involved in how to disable your Twitch account:

1. Log in to Twitch and click on your profile icon on the top right corner of the website.

2. In the resulting drop-down menu, navigate to “Settings.”

3. Once you are on the Settings page, make sure that you are on the “Profile” tab. Scroll all the way down and you will be greeted with the section about Disabling Your Twitch Account.

4. Clicking on the Disable Account page link will take you to the next steps you need to complete. However, what you must do next depends on your status with Twitch.

Disabling Twitch Account as a Partner or Affiliate

Unfortunately, if you are a current Twitch affiliate, partner, or developer in good standing, you cannot disable your account through Twitch’s Disable Account page.

To disable your account as an affiliate, partner, or developer, you must contact customer support. From there, a Twitch support agent will help you with your next steps.

Disabling A Regular Twitch Account

If you are not a Twitch affiliate, partner, or developer, you can proceed to disable your account on the normal page. Clicking on the “Disable Account” link will take you to the below options:

To proceed, make sure that the correct account is showing in the “Account to disable” field. You may tell Twitch your reason for disabling if you wish, but this is optional.

Once you are ready, all you have to do is click the Disable Account button—and that’s it!

If you would like to re-enable your Twitch account at some point, the only way to do it is by contacting Twitch customer support. Twitch agents will usually get back to you within 7 days.

How to Delete Your Twitch Account

If you would like to completely delete your Twitch account, doing so is easy as well. However, make sure that before you do this you are 100% sure about leaving the platform.

Once your account is deleted, there is no getting it back! Also, know that if you delete your account you can no longer reuse the username on Twitch’s platform, even years later.

If you are absolutely sure about getting rid of your account forever, all you have to do is log in to your account. Once you have logged in, navigate to the page below:

On this page, you will be greeted with a similar set of options.

Simply make sure that the account in “Account to delete” is correct. Then, if you wish to do so, let Twitch know why you are deleting your account (although again, this step is optional).

Finally, click on the “Delete Account” button—and you are pretty much done. And there you have it, you are completely off the Twitch platform.

Things to Do Before Disabling or Deleting Your Twitch Account

Although you can simply disable or delete your Twitch account when you would like, there are a few things you can do prior to doing so. These are all optional of course, but nevertheless, it may be a good idea to consider them if they apply to your situation.

  • If you are a streamer, it may be a good idea to let your viewers know that you are leaving the platform. If you intend to do a final stream, let them know when it is. And, of course, be sure to share your social media pages. Alert your viewers if you intend to stream on any other platform so that they can come and check it out if they wish.
  • You may want to disconnect any accounts that you have connected to Twitch. If you have any social media or gaming services like B.Net or Riot connected, you may want to disconnect them prior to disabling/deleting your account. Doing this will allow you to connect them to another account in the future—if you create another account, that is.
  • If you have any personal information on your Twitch account, you may want to delete them. Disconnect your payment options if you are an affiliate or partner. Clear your channel page and Twitch panels of any donation links or personal links.

Reasons People May Disable or Delete Their Twitch Accounts

There are various reasons why people may want to disable or delete a Twitch account. The most common ones are below:

  • They may have decided to fully quit Twitch for one reason or another.
  • It’s possible that they have multiple accounts for some reason and want to get rid of the other ones.
  • A slightly less common reason may be that they are a brand or company trying to make sure that their name remains off Twitch. That way, no one can claim to be them and tarnish their reputation.

Why You Shouldn’t Delete Your Account

There may be several reasons why you might want to delete your Twitch account. However, you may also want to take a look at some of the reasons why you should simply let it sit instead. After all, leaving your account alone (as long as it is secure) normally won’t cause any trouble—unless you are trying to fend off an internet/social media addiction.

Check out some of the compelling reasons why you may want to keep your account dormant:

  • If you are disabling or deleting your account to create one with another username, know that you can change your username on Twitch easily. No need to create a new account!
  • If you are a brand or company that wants to reserve their name, there is no harm in keeping a dormant account. No one else will have access to it, and on the off-chance that you ever want to connect with your audience via Twitch, you already have a way to do it.
  • You can continue to watch streams via your Twitch account and keep your followed/favorited accounts.
  • If you have Twitch Prime or if there are ever any game drops enabled on Twitch, you can get free stuff.

Did you successfully delete your Twitch account?

If you’re feeling social about it, let us know in the comments what you’re reasoning was! 🙂

About the Author

5Head content for streamers looking to improve their channels.

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