Twitch streaming is known for some of the craziest, funniest, and downright intense gaming moments in history.

Whether it’s nailing an unbelievable killstreak, dying to gravity in your favorite From Software game, or accidentally running away from a shiny legendary Pokémon, these timeless gems happen all the time.

Luckily, they can be captured in the form of clips. However, making them is only half of immortalizing them. You also need to download your clips if you don’t want to lose them forever.

If nothing else, you make it super easy to upload them to your social media accounts. Who knows? You may just earn yourself some extra followers by doing just that.

To help you out, here’s a look at a few easy ways to download clips from Twitch.


Downloading Clips Directly from Twitch On Your PC

You can get your clips without ever leaving the Twitch website, and it’s only fitting that this is the first method you learn.

Note: This method will only work for clips you’ve created or clips from your own channel.

Step One: Clips can usually be found in the video section of your Twitch channel, which you can get to by visiting the channel page and clicking on the “videos” tab.

Step Two: Once you find the clip you want, the next step is to open it. You can do this by either clicking on the clip’s name or its video thumbnail.

Step Three: If you look on the right-hand side under the video feed, you will see a share icon. Click on it, and several options will be displayed, including a download button. The other options here allow you to immediately upload your clip to different social media platforms.

If you are on a chromium-based browser such as Google Chrome, clicking on the download option is all you’ll need to do, and it starts immediately.

Possible Extra Step: Some other browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, are going to require an extra step. You can tell because clicking the download button starts playing your clip in a new window instead of immediately saving it.

If you see this happen, you need to right-click on the video feed in this new window and select the “Save Video As” option. Finally, you can enter a name to save your clip.



Using an External Clip Downloader

Maybe you’re not too keen on using Twitch’s built-in option. If so, you wouldn’t be the first, as most people tend to use something external anyways. Here’s a look at a few great Twitch clip downloader options to take a swing at.

Download Twitch Clips Using Clipr

Clipr’s Google meta title literally says “Clipr – Twitch Clip Downloader”. Do you need any more confirmation that you’ve found the perfect tool?

Step One: You’re going to need the URL of the Twitch clip you are interested in downloading. Follow steps one and two of the “Downloading Clips Directly from Twitch” section, then copy the URL from the address bar after opening the clip.

Step Two: Your next step is to head to the Clipr web page. Once there, you’ll notice a download button with a field beside it. That’s where you’re going to paste the URL you just copied. Once you do so, simply click on “Download Now”.

Step Three: After loading for a moment, Clipr allows you to choose which resolution you want to download the clip in at download time. Options range from 360p to 1080p. Choose the quality based on what you plan to do with the video. Click the download button beside the option you want when you’re ready to proceed.

Like downloading directly from Twitch, chromium-based browsers immediately begin the download process here. If your browser opens your clip in a new window instead, follow the “possible extra step” instruction when downloading directly from Twitch.

Download Twitch Clips Using a Google Chrome Extension

it’s super simple to use a Chrome extension for your twitch clip downloads. You can get Twitch Clip Downloader on Google Chrome here.

Step One: Using the link provided, you want to select the “Add to Chrome” button to have the extension set up in your browser.

It takes less than a couple seconds, then you’ll notice that the Twitch Clip Downloader icon shows up in the upper right-hand corner of your Google Chrome window.

If you’re not seeing it, look for the puzzle piece icon, click on it, and you will see the Twitch Clip Downloader extension icon. You can click on the pin beside the extension to make sure it stays visible beside the address bar.

Step Two: You need to find and open the clip you are interested in downloading. Follow step one of the “Downloading Clips Directly from Twitch” section to do so.

Step Three: Next, simply click on the Twitch Clip Downloader icon beside the address bar, and you will see a drop down with a text area and a “Download Clip” button. The text area is meant for you to enter whatever you want the file name to be. Once you hit the download button, the clip is yours.

Note: Twitch Clip Downloader is available as an add-on for Mozilla Firefox too!



How to Download Twitch Clips on Mobile

Unfortunately, there is no native option to download clips on mobile devices from within the Twitch app.

The recommended download method is to use Clipr. instead of rehashing all the steps, only step one will be covered, as there are a couple slight differences.

Steps two and three work the same on mobile as they do on PC, so you can follow them as described in the Clipr section above.

Step One: Open the Twitch app on your mobile device and locate the channel page you plan to download the clip from. You will notice that there is a “Clips” tab separate from the “Videos” tab, unlike the PC version. Tap the “Clips” option.

Open the clip by tapping on it, then press the share button that appears. A “Copy Link” option should show up and tapping it gives you the link that you need. You can now execute steps two and three as directed in the “Download Twitch Clips Using Clipr” section.



How to Download Twitch Clips Using the Inspect Tool (Firefox Only)

While this method used to work on any of the big three browsers, it only seems to work on Mozilla Firefox these days, so keep that in mind.

Step One: Follow step one of the “Downloading Clips Directly from Twitch” section. Once the clip opens in a new tab, right click on the video feed, and select “Inspect” in the drop-down menu that pops up.

Step Two: Press CTRL+F to open the search tool in the inspector and type “mp4”. This should immediately bring you to the clip’s link. Copy it and paste it in a new tab.

Step Three: Once the video feed loads in the new tab, right click, select “Save Video As”, then choose a name and location to store your clip.

About the Author

5Head content for streamers looking to improve their channels.

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