Twitch is a great platform not only because it offers you the opportunity to watch and enjoy a vast diversity of content coming from people all over the world, but it also offers you the possibility to meet all of these new people and make new great friends!

Why would you even care about knowing how to add friends on Twitch? Well, that’s obviously because there is no better feeling in the world than hopping in a discord call with your buds and slaying out in your favorite game!

How to Add a Friend on Twitch

If you found someone that you thought is pretty cool and it seems like you guys kicked it off well, then it’s time to do the deed, it’s time to send them a friend request.

1. Navigate to the top right corner of your Twitch page and find the “Whispers” icon.

2. In the “Search for People” tab write in the Twitch user name of the person you want to add as a friend.

3. After you have found the person you were looking for you should just click on his name and a Whisper box should appear. From there click on the cog icon in the top right corner of the box and select “Add Friend”.

As a side note, even though Twitch Whispers are a pretty neat way to communicate, you will most likely want to share your Discord tags as well, since honestly Discord simply does it better.

Add a Friend From Twitch Chat

If you and the person you would want to add as a Twitch friend are already in someone’s chat then your job becomes even easier.

1. Click their Twitch username in the chat

2. Click the “Add Friend” button that shows up in the menu

Simple as that!

How to Unfriend Someone on Twitch

In case you have added someone as your Twitch friend by mistake, to unfriend them you need to do the following:

1. Click on your avatar on the top right corner of your Twitch page and select “Friends”

2. Once on the “Friends” page, a list of your current friends will be visible. To remove someone from your Twitch friends, all you have to do is hover over their name and click the “Unfriend” button in the top left corner of their icon

With this, you now know how to both add friends on Twitch and also remove them in case you have made a mistake! Enjoy your company gamers! 🙂

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5Head content for streamers looking to improve their channels.

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